• December 1, 2023

The Silent Shredder

More and more you shred everything apartThe lands, our dignity and a mother’s heart.Replaying are a child’s anguished yawps all day, but-No valour comes to save his now vacuous hut.Reins of men good for not one high crown:Your mighty silence will come crumbling down. Now and then, my last sensitised thoughts shake me awakeAnd grasps…

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Injustice in today’s “modern” world

Under the same moon Under the same sky Different households, different problems. All while, under the same moon, under the same sky One story from a million A child. Broken by genocide. Unaware of his next meal and if he’ll ever heal “Will I live?” Instead of “I want to play!” One story Out of…

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5th Generation Genocide: How Can We Collectively Defeat Israel?

Does the Israeli onslaught on Palestine – for decades, but especially the current attack on Gaza – seem like a normal war to you? It does not. Well, part of the reason is that a legitimate WAR requires both sides to have an army, which Palestine does not have. Beyond that though, Israel is doing…

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It’s Black and White: Not Every Story Has “Two Sides”

Israel is bombing Gaza again. Palestinian lives are being lost again. And yet again, we are hearing from the ‘gatekeepers of world peace’ that they will offer unconditional support to – ISRAEL. We are again hearing from influential celebrities about “peace” on “both sides. We are yet again witnessing the ignorance of the real problem:…

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