• May 14, 2023

Hiding the symptoms does not heal the illness

Just like putting a bandage on a bullet wound is futile unless the bullet has been taken out first, censoring protests and claiming that ‘all is well’ when the country is burning from the inside only does more harm than good. The pain of structural amendments will have to be borne by all in order…

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Finding Islam in the “Islamic” Republic of Pakistan.

For the most part of its brief history, Pakistan has been called an “Islamic” republic on paper. In reality, however, it could not be farther away from the truth. No, my claim here does not present “women in sleeveless dresses” and “how is PEMRA allowing this on TV” as its supporting premises. In fact, I…

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Why are we paying for mistakes we did not make?

A few days back I was chatting away with my mother when she told me something I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since. She told me that back in the 1990’s when she was a student living in the hostel, the girls would leave the gas stoves in the kitchen turned on for…

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