Paying in Blood : Current Cost of Living in Pakistan.
Living in Pakistan is becoming harder by the day as expenses continue to rise with little to no increments in earnings. The country is faced with recession and inflation simultaneously, forcing people to move abroad – even the staunchest patriots. Imagine you’re a father of a toddler. Your wife asks you to bring milk on…
Read MoreRid Us of the Persistent Depiction of Domestic Violence!
Mass media, in any society, has a powerful position to influence the overall culture, making it a critical component in creating and altering current ideologies within the given society. In a patriarchal orthodox society like Pakistan, our media’s role has been nothing short of a terrible nightmare in normalising our minds towards the glorification of…
Read MoreBasic Level of Sensitivity: Too Much to Expect?
This post is in reference to the current show ‘Hadsa’ on Geo Entertainment. However, the basic premise remains true across the board – why can we not provide the most basic level of empathy in our portrayal of sensitive topics? It is no secret that the Pakistani drama industry often fails in properly handling and…
Read MoreLight at the End of the Tunnel: PTV can still create good content.
Some time back, I posted an article here where I expressed how badly Pakistani entertainment content has deteriorated over the past few years. We discussed a range of regressive and outright dangerous elements that we keep repeating on our screens, and the detrimental effect they can have on the society. I still stick by my…
Read MoreCelebrating Independence: Between Hope and Despair
Since childhood, 14th August has always been one of my favourite days of the year. I remember picking out a green outfit, placing flags, wearing a little green and white badge on my arm, and blasting national songs all day long. Patriotism cannot be restricted to one day, but this was always the day when…
Read MoreHow to save a language: Punjabi in Pakistan
Recently, I wrote a post on this website about how Punjabi language is on the path of slow extinction in Pakistan. The article highlighted a range of causes at individual, domestic and institutional level, as a result of which, a major chunk of Punjabi youth – particularly in the urban centres – are unable to…
Read MoreReligion vs Illusion- What divided the Subcontinent?
The Indian subcontinent is known for its diversity in culture, languages, and religions. A wide variety of ethnic groups, civilizations, and empires influenced it over the course of its history. However, this diversity also brings the question of the division of the subcontinent into two separate states. Can the divide between Hindus and Muslims in…
Read MoreA call for more positive male leads in Pakistani dramas.
Being a girl in her twenties, born and raised in a deeply rooted patriarchal society, while also being an avid consumer of similar content on media, I wish for nothing more than a healthy and positive portrayal of men in fiction. I admit the dramas are mostly based on real life stories from society, but…
Read MoreHow to Kill A Language: Punjabi in Pakistan
I’m a 24 year old Punjabi who is unable to speak the language, and I’m not the only one. Most of my Punjabi friends don’t know how to speak it either. Or at least not properly. According to the 2017 census, Punjabis made up for approximately 53% of the total population of Pakistan [1]. However,…
Read MoreWreck-ed state of national affairs
For any morally alive nation, the drowning of 400+ civilians – while trying to escape the country – in a shipwreck should be the ONLY talk in the country for weeks. We, however, still have bigger issues to discuss like the attack on a part of a building a month back or how the former…
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