• August 21, 2024

Is All ‘Viral Content’ Worth the Hype? Uncovering the Downside.

Generally, for the longest while people are making videos around everywhere since it’s an earning opportunity for the ones who want to earn a living without any hassle. It’s a great idea no doubt, but then the patterns is essentially that viral content makes the creator rich in no time. In that hustle, people hardly…

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Rid Us of the Persistent Depiction of Domestic Violence!

Mass media, in any society, has a powerful position to influence the overall culture, making it a critical component in creating and altering current ideologies within the given society. In a patriarchal orthodox society like Pakistan, our media’s role has been nothing short of a terrible nightmare in normalising our minds towards the glorification of…

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Basic Level of Sensitivity: Too Much to Expect?

This post is in reference to the current show ‘Hadsa’ on Geo Entertainment. However, the basic premise remains true across the board – why can we not provide the most basic level of empathy in our portrayal of sensitive topics? It is no secret that the Pakistani drama industry often fails in properly handling and…

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Light at the End of the Tunnel: PTV can still create good content.

Some time back, I posted an article here where I expressed how badly Pakistani entertainment content has deteriorated over the past few years. We discussed a range of regressive and outright dangerous elements that we keep repeating on our screens, and the detrimental effect they can have on the society. I still stick by my…

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A call for more positive male leads in Pakistani dramas.

Being a girl in her twenties, born and raised in a deeply rooted patriarchal society, while also being an avid consumer of similar content on media, I wish for nothing more than a healthy and positive portrayal of men in fiction. I admit the dramas are mostly based on real life stories from society, but…

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The Fault in Our Star-Studded Dramas

Pakistani youth is increasingly switching from Pakistani TV to alternative options like Netflix Originals, K-Dramas and Turkish series for entertainment purposes simply because they are unable to connect with the content that is being shown on our local channels 24/7. Pakistani drama serials are one of the most popular things about Pakistan. After politics and…

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