Is All ‘Viral Content’ Worth the Hype? Uncovering the Downside.
Generally, for the longest while people are making videos around everywhere since it’s an earning opportunity for the ones who want to earn a living without any hassle. It’s a great idea no doubt, but then the patterns is essentially that viral content makes the creator rich in no time. In that hustle, people hardly stop to think whether the content they are building is ethically and visually appeasing or demeaning for anyone. Everything is just content.

The Rise of ‘Talents’ like Chahat Fateh Ali Khan
There are billions of content creators and trillions of good and bad ideas they create around to sell and earn from it. While some content that goes viral is brilliant, there are heaps of content creators who become famous for subpar – or downright embarrassing – content. Unfortunately, this results in people like Chahat Fateh Ali Khan who thinks he is a singer and poses around like a classical musician. Not only him himself, but wherever he goes nobody even politely tries to tell him he’s not even a mature human being who understands morals or ethics even being an elderly, let alone a singer.
If he’s spending money to be able to earn popularity then obviously it’s a win win for the ones promoting his nonsense, but on the grounds of merit, it’s a crime when the intellectuals promote his so-called humor. They don’t realize that if people like him are earning popularity on the content he’s is producing, it’s a question mark on the intellect of not only him, but also the audiences who hail him as a star.
The Hypocrisy of Celebrity Attitudes:
We have seen judges in contests demeaning and ridiculing struggling singers on making the slightest mistake while performing, but on the flip side, we see Ali Zafar promoting so and so million views on the song “Bado Badi”. Is this justified? Yasir Nawaz titling his own YouTube content with ‘bado badi’ to add a tinch of humor makes you wonder what is happening around? This man should be discouraged harshly to save a spot for the ones who actually are singers. Sajjad Ali is the only legend who has been extremely polite with the upcoming singers who are learning and still need more effort to enhance their skills whereas the majority of the judges have been severely harsh to gain TRPs yet they are neglecting this so-called joker who is a plague to the music industry.
If we collectively start to think of all publicity as good publicity, then it is a problem. It is a serious crime if people like Chahat Fateh Ali Khan are not discouraged, but rather being invited in programs for fun sake given the guest gets paid to be part of the show. Essentially, every time he gets invited, he is taking away the space of some good talent and it’s an insult to the channel who are inviting this entity as some respectable guest.
Read More: Light at the End of the Tunnel: PTV can still create good content.
The Need to Call out Such Content
I realize I may sound harsh but it’s a sad truth that people who hardly deserve to be known as artists are famous. There are a lot of content creators who mimic their so called songs thinking it’s some humor. Too many minds spoil the broth kind of a thing is the deal here where nobody understands that in the entertainment industry there are people who have served all their lives in the business to earn recognition for themselves and the industry. All of those efforts are being tarnished by some ‘bado badi’ uncle trying to pose like he is some singer.
A Multi-layered Problem
Not only art, he is literally trashing the Punjabi language as well. All the intellectuals are sleeping and not discouraging this ugly content in order to urge better artist to emerge and earn a better respectable spot in the industry they deserve. The convenient option for such people is if you are not liking our content then don’t watch it, while in reality, if there’s something trashy is in the air, all those who smelling it will react. I may not be able to stop it but discouraging this content is a duty of all civilians since it’s an insult to ones who spent a lifetime building a career in the music industry.
Above all he wears the avatar of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan who is a legend in the music industry. He’s somebody who is looked up to by the music lovers, so Chahat Fateh Ali who copied even the name for fame’s sake is a disgrace by all means, Anything cheap goes viral in seconds so it’s a new tactic to be famous. It seriously is a waste of space and the intellectuals, channels, content creators and famous celebrities endorsing his stupid endeavors as humor makes it worse. One needs to draw a line when they call something trashy as humor.