Echoes of Empathy: Cultivating a new Social Order!
Generally people – whether well educated or illiterate – have a very peculiar behavior towards a conversation. No matter what the topic under discussion may be, they have the habit of pinning a statement and then arguing like animals. More often than not, people do not even try to be kind to one another, or to simply be respectful even if a difference of opinion occurs. The only thought at the back of most people’s mind is that if they have an audience then they must receive some claps for their remark – whatever it may be. They do not stop to understand whether the remark is hurtful for the listener or straight up offensive. The focus is only to ‘win’ the conversation, no matter what. How about we try to come up with a new social order?
If only people understood that one must not be dragging another person viciously for their short-term personal gains. Rather, the focus should be on being rational and debating like mature human beings and ensuring nobody is getting hurt as a remark made in the heat of an argument might last for life.

Unfortunately, kindness has become an extremely rare trait over the years. If hurtful remarks are remembered for a lifetime, so is being kind. For example, if somebody has been kind enough to drop another person off to some place safely, it would always be remembered by the one who received that favor. I personally remember kind favors and make sure I try to return them when the need arrives or if I’m in a capacity to do so. In case returning the favor is not possible, I keep the memory of it with me for a lifetime.
A society where people are generally nice to each other, without any personal gains but solely out of the kindness of their hearts, thrives much more than one where there is a general resentment in the hearts of people. It’s astounding how people find proceed comfortably with their lives after belittling others around either by an indirect mocking speech around or direct slurs, whatever serves their purpose.
Read More: Community Engagement: Key to a Resilient Future
Kindness is very easy to practice too. If you see someone struggling with an issue or task, no matter how basic it may be, help them if you’re in the position to. If you are unable to help, at the least don’t ridicule them. Let ugly things slide sideways.
The writer is a Fashion/Textile Designer. She is also an entrepreneur, in the process of building her own brand named “Kunnj”.