• September 23, 2023

Advancing Women’s Rights in Pakistan: A Doctor’s Perspective

I am Dr. Hina Sikander, a medical professional deeply committed to the health and well-being of all individuals, particularly the women of Pakistan. I’m working with the federal government, currently in the International Mail Office. In this blog, I aim to shed light on the state of women’s rights in Pakistan, the progress that has…

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Paying in Blood : Current Cost of Living in Pakistan.

Living in Pakistan is becoming harder by the day as expenses continue to rise with little to no increments in earnings. The country is faced with recession and inflation simultaneously, forcing people to move abroad – even the staunchest patriots. Imagine you’re a father of a toddler. Your wife asks you to bring milk on…

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Rid Us of the Persistent Depiction of Domestic Violence!

Mass media, in any society, has a powerful position to influence the overall culture, making it a critical component in creating and altering current ideologies within the given society. In a patriarchal orthodox society like Pakistan, our media’s role has been nothing short of a terrible nightmare in normalising our minds towards the glorification of…

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