The sentiments of frustrated Pakistani youth

Current political situation in the country is nothing ,but a hopeless discussion. Things have taken a turn for the worse. Around two years ago, people around us used to encourage us to stay in this country ,and try our level best to give it your everything. “Youth is the future”. “Work hard, don’t compromise on your vision ,and keep going”. The morals have not changed. But the priorities have. Blame it on the destabilisation, economic challenges, absence of rule of law ,and no freedom of speech, or on the pessimistic approach. It is what it is today.
Today, we are again and again advised to try our best for the scholarships abroad , and leave this country because here, an honest, patriotic, and a kind person has no say. He will be crushed, oppressed and suppressed. Only the villainous, corrupt, and those who think they are SUPERIOR – will rule freely without an inch of disappointment. Amidst all of this, what if you are a patriot like me, a person who wishes for nothing but wellbeing of the people, who believes in democracy, freedom of speech and rule of law, a person who wants to see Pakistan reaching greater heights and can’t see it getting crushed in front of his eyes? What should we do other than praying, working hard and raising the voices? Nothing. It’s helplessness, pain and anger building up. And I really wish the sanity prevails and my country continues to progress. People need to be safe, sound and should not be afraid to voice their opinions.
I am Sara Abid. I am a common Pakistani, who wishes for nothing but a prosperous Pakistan. I’ve been voicing my opinions on social forums in every way possible. I graduated from Rawalpindi Medical University.
Such a true depiction of what youth feels these days! 🙁
I totally understand the pain, yearning and (above all) the confusion behind these lines. I also understand how much you and the others in your generation wish this country to prosper and come out of this cesspool cuz I know that you guys are much more patriotic than us.
But have faith my children! Allah Has His Plans … and although, as it looks, you are witnessing downfall of a nation… but when this page of national history is Inn Shaa Allah turned… and when you will revisit it… you will find out that you had actually witnessed the uplifting transformation of a nation that was fallen since its inception…As nations are uplifted on one basic ingredient … INTEGRITY!